Parents Urged to Attend Feb. 29 Online Safety Talk

Parents of Year 7-10 students are strongly urged to attend next Thursday’s guest speaker presentation on keeping your kids safe online. The session by a leading NZ expert is of utmost importance for Middle School families as 67 per cent of young people have seen porn online, most by accident. Twelve is the average age of exposure.

TIME/DATE:Thursday, 29 February from 7.00 – 9.00 p.m. in the Gym.

Author, Filmmaker and Speaker, Rob Cope, producer of the documentary “Our Kids Online,” returns to Aquinas to deliver his humorous and eye-opening workshop about the dangers and challenges associated with raising children in the digital age. He’ll discuss the risks (inappropriate content, online predators and the prevalence of violent, hardcore porn) and give you solutions to the problem. Click on the following link to watch Rob’s promotional video.

Rob’s workshop last year was so beneficial that Aquinas has invested in him again for this year. 

“If it were within my power to make attendance compulsory for all parents, I would, as it underlines its critical importance and value,” Mr Dalton stressed.  

“I strongly believe that this event is of utmost importance for every family with children in Years 7-10.

The college has made a significant financial investment to bring Rob back to speak with our community, so I am expecting that you prioritise attending this event to ensure that we, as a community, are equipped to tackle the challenges our children face in the digital world.”

Although families with children in older year levels are also invited and encouraged to attend, attendance is not expected.