Order Your 2025 Aquinas Stationery Packs Now

Get a jump start on the 2025 school year and order your child’s stationery requirements. All class lists are now available online, so you can shop from home and tick off one back-to-school chore nice and early.

We have registered AC school lists with Office Max, Bay Office Products and Warehouse Stationery to give you plenty of options for where to shop. Each supplier has been given the full list for each year and subject. 

OfficeMax My School:

Go to: https://www.myschool.co.nz/aquinas 

Order in December to be in to win one of five $1,000 cash prizes.

Bay Office Products:

AC stationery packs are available at the Christopher Street store and online at nzschoolshop.co.nz

Warehouse Stationery:

AC Stationery packs are available in-store and online at https://shorturl.at/gnW5Z

Order your stationery now and avoid the last-minute scramble. Shop early, stay organised, and start the term off stress-free!